Monday, April 30, 2012


 Well most of you already know, so it's not that biig of a suprise. But yes! I"M ENGAGED!!! Here's the story. I came to Rexburg early and I was planning on going back to utah for a while and Jared's family reeeeally was pressuring me on not going, but staying in Rexburg for Easter Sunday. But I was pretty set on going, so on the 6th of April we were at his grandmothers house and his mom told us that she made an early easter egg hunt in the backyard since I wouldn't be there for easter day! And it was in the snow! So, we run out and find all 35 eggs! And i got Jared with a few good snowballs too :) We brought them inside and started to open them all to find the goodies inside! Many of them had chocolate eggs inside! And some of them were filled with mnm's that said "I love you!!!" or "Sierra+Jared" or had a small printing of our faces on them! IT was so cute! And then, some of the eggs had a pice of paper inside that said "PRIZE" on it. Everytime we got one of these PRIZE papers then his mom would throw us something fun, like silly string or a small puzzle! So we opened all the eggs until we were to the last one which when we opened it said PRIZE! So Jared's mom (Bev) threw us a HUGE egg. I opened the egg and it was filled with mnm's! yummy! Jared told me to read what they said, I looked and they all said "Will you marry me?" I looked up and he was on his knee and he asked me himself, "Will you marry me?" AHHHHHH!!!! is right! I know, cutest boy ever!!! :) It was just perfect. I said yes :)
Easter Egg Hunt!
So that's the exciting news :) Here's some other news...I can't cook. Fine, i know that's not news. haha but the other day i decided i wanted to make Jared dinner!!! now heres the thing. I usually have Jared help me cook since he is really good at it, but if he isn't helping its usually something like Mac and Cheese or a good ham and cheese sandwich! But this time I was goin BIIIG! Ya, were talking garlic chicken with cooked mixed vegetables and rolls!!! :) ya, i know, impressive. So I start early and make a chart that tells me just when im suposed to start cooking certain things and all of that stuff. I wanted everything to be perfect! Well anyways...It turns out that Jared dosn't like cooked mixed vegatbles, the rolls were small rocks, and the chicken was darker than the darkest black you can imagine! ya, bad. Sooo...the thing about me being a bad cook is still true. Boo. I think ill learn eventually. :)
Were looking at the ring! He had just proposed!
Now its just wedding planning stuff all the time. But just for a heads up, the wedding looks like its going to be August 14th in the Salt Lake Temple. :) yay! tata!


  1. I love that I got the "whole story." And, you can't cook. Seriously...I remember at girl's camp when you made sloppy joes...and didn't cook the meat first... sierra, maybe I will make you a little cookbook with NO FAIL recipes, and just enough to get you through a week or two. But don't feel bad. On the plus side, Jared can cook, so he can do it. :) And, you won't gain weight if you don't have edible food to eat. LOL. Love it. P.S.- Ryan is a MUCH better cook than me. He's just naturally great at it. But I'm a much better baker.

  2. HAHA! Oh my goodness, I am so retarded! i don't remember doing that at girls camp, but I can believe it, i guess I should have payed more attention to my mom in the Kitchen instead of being outside all the time eh? haha You know, that cookbook sounds AMAZING! :) Jared can cook its true, he cooks REALLY well, but i feel kind of like i should know...a little at least! haha
